The Rotunda at Patmos

Join us at the roundtable to connect and commune with other modern-day visionaries and leaders as we work to collectively reclaim our forgotten heritage and tap into the vitality of our origin story. Only the rooted grow tall. 

Founders, Creators, and Visionary Leaders.

This experience is a seven-day odyssey for founders, creators, and leaders looking to deepen their relationship with their life's mission. The retreat will begin in Athens and end on the small (beautiful) island of Patmos.


Our Ancient Greek ancestors understood the intimate connection between striving for excellence in physical and philosophical pursuits and we will work to integrate similar experiences in our retreat, which offer opportunities to grow across physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

Plato had his Academy and Aristotle his Lyceum, both being places where men came together to not only talk philosophy but sharpen their physical prowess.

The Space

What is included in your $3,333 package.

For those interested, we are working out the details of running the “Original Marathon” from Marathon to Athens before the event. During the experience, we will hold daily workouts, breathwork sessions, and meditation sessions to create space for the divine spark.

  • 16% of your ticket purchase will go towards Selfless Solutions Sponsorship Program

  • We love small group experiences. We will have 2 villas available, each villa has space for 6-8 guests.

  • All meals will be provided. High in protein. Locally sourced. Gluten-free options.

  • You will start your journey with a guided experience in Athens visiting: Plato’s Academy, Lyceum, Acropolis, Agora, Parthenon and Theatre of Dionysus.

  • We will go on an excurision in the island of Patmos to visit historic sites that have shaped humanity.

  • We plan to take a full day to explore out in the sea and visit nearby islands.

  • Get access to a community of luminary leaders that can provide valuable insight for your growth.

  • Every morning you will be guided into a state of pure present awareness led by breathwork facilitator Michelle.

  • Daily group workouts guided by Noah

  • We are partnering with local healers to provide experiences like sound meditation.

  • If you need support with booking flights, we can help

Your hosts:

Noah Huisman

Noah Huisman is a writer, startup lawyer, wellness entrepreneur, and athlete obsessed with reviving Plato’s Scholar-Athlete through the fusion of fitness and philosophy.

His first book “This Way to the Stars: An Introduction to Philosophy” focuses on the history and development of philosophy throughout the ages leading up to the modern day.

His second book “This Way to the Stars: A History of the Hero,” focuses on the development of the idea of the hero across cultures and eras and how the ancient stories map out a path to the good life.

You can follow him @noahhuisman3, his gym @squatchfrontierfitness

Michelle Florez

Michelle Florez is a certified Transformational Coach, dedicated to assisting founders and CEOs in exploring their emotional depths to evolve into heart-led leaders. Her focus on somatic practices, especially breathwork, helps uncover and navigate unconscious patterns impacting their lives. As the founder of METAMEN, Michelle has served over 100 visionary leaders grounded in personal growth and committed to making a positive global impact. Michelle support founders in relating to entrepreneurship as an accelerator for spiritual growth.

You can learn more about Michelle and her work at

We are confident that this will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for all in attendance and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

How to reserve a spot:

  1. Submit our 2-min application.

  2. One of our team members will schedule a 30-minute virtual call with you to get to know you + your mission to make sure we are a right fit for each other.

  3. You will receive a link to book after the call.

other testimonials

Testimonial from our Recovery Day experience

Apply here to reserve a spot.

We like to meet all attendees virtually.